Hyundai is betting big on connectivity features being a differentiator in India. As has already been announced, the upcoming Hyundai Venue compact SUV will be the first model to feature its Blue Link connectivity technology. Also, of the 33 features included in the Blue Link system, 10 are exclusive to India. Earlier today, Hyundai detailed all the features that come under the Blue Link technology umbrella. Hyundai broadly classifies the features under the heads of safety, security, remote, vehicle relationship management, location-based services, alert services and artificial intelligence. Read on to know what to expect.
Safety features on Hyundai Blue Link include Auto Crash Notification (similar to Ford’s Emergency Assistance System) that will automatically notify emergency services in the case of a collision. Further, a button on the Hyundai’s internal rear-view mirror can also be pressed to trigger an SOS message, summon roadside assistance or send a panic notification to registered family members or friends.
Hyundai’s Blue Link technology will also allow for remote monitoring of the vehicle’s security. On activation of a Vehicle Burglar Alarm, the owner will receive a notificiation in the event the vehicle is stolen. The system also allows live tracking of the vehicle providing location information that will undoubtedly aid quick retrieval of the vehicle. The owner also has the option to request the Hyundai call centre to immobilise the vehicle entirely.
Via the Hyundai Blue Link mobile phone app, users can remotely lock/unlock their cars, turn the horn or headlight flasher (helpful to locate your car in a dark parking lot) or check vehicle status. The app will also have a Find My Car feature that will lead you to your car and owners also have the option to provide Blue Link feature access to another user. Interestingly, 1.0-litre turbo petrol powered and dual-clutch transmission-equipped Venues will also give owners the option to remotely switch their car on and also start the climate control system– a smart way to pre-cool (or pre-warm) your car in India’s extreme weather.
Vehicle Relationship Management
Even in terms of vehicle status reports, Blue Link goes a few steps up on Hyundai India’s current Auto Link technology. Aside from providing info on driving behaviour and a monthly vehicle health report, Blue Link will also provide diagnostic options. The owner will be automatically informed in case of a malfunction in the mechanicals, and there’s also the option to run a manual diagnosis to check the functioning of other components. Further, Blue Link will also prompt messages when it’s time to replace consumables such as engine oil.
Location-based Services
Hyundai says it has partnered with a global mapping firm for real-time traffic updates and live car tracking. It will also be possible to feed a destination to the car direct from your phone or remotely from a call centre and owners will also be able to share their car location through the infotainment system.
Alert Services
Users can track their Venue at all times via GPS and can set up the system to receive alerts when the car exceeds a certain speed, leaves a pre-set area (via geo-fencing) or is even kept idling for long. These features are sure to be of interest for owners looking to keep a close watch on their chauffeurs or even children’s use of the car.
Artificial Intelligence-based voice commands
What promises to make Blue Link that crucial bit more user-friendly is an AI-based voice recognition software that Hyundai claims will understand Indian accents.
The Venue will come with a factory fit embedded Vodafone sim card for connectivity. Hyundai has said that the Blue Link services will be free of charge for the first 3 years of ownership. The carmaker has also announced it will install simulations of the Blue Link app at dealerships across the country to allow prospective customers to experience the technology first hand. And as disclosed earlier, Blue Link will be rolled out on other Hyundai models in the near future.
The Hyundai Venue will launch in India in mid-May 2019 with the compact SUV set to rival the likes of the popular Maruti Suzuki Vitara Brezza, Ford EcoSport, Tata Nexon and the Mahindra XUV300. Expect Hyundai Venue prices to be in the Rs 8-12 lakh (estimated ex-showroom) bracket.
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Hyundai Venue images out
from Autocar India - Cars
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