The Husqvarna Vitpilen 250 and Svartpilen 250 have finally been launched in India at an attractive price tag of Rs 1.80 lakh (introductory, ex-showroom). Both bikes are based on KTM’s 250cc platform and share similar underpinnings. But what gives them their own unique personality is their design and purpose. So without further ado, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of what sets the two apart from each other.
Different directions:
The Vitpilen 250 is designed to be a cafe racer which means it gets a slightly more leaned forward riding posture allowing you to make the most of those twisties. Husqvarna designed the Svartpilen 250 as a scrambler with taller set handlebars and dual-purpose tyres. The setup should be good enough for you to hit some light trails.
A change of clothes?
Both bikes adorn unique paint schemes which help tell the two apart. The Vitpilen 250 gets a white fuel tank with a grey tail section and silver accents. Quite the opposite, the Svartpilen 250 goes dark with a contrasting grey fuel tank, white accents and a silver tail section.
Minor differences in hardware:
The Svartpilen 250 features a beautifully designed tank rack which allows you to strap on a small tank bag. It also gets a single-piece, raised handlebar which offers a relatively relaxed riding posture. As for the Vitpilen 250, it gets sporty lower-set clip-on handlebars helping you lean on the bike and distribute your body weight. There a differences in the wheels aswell, where the Vitpilen features a 5 spoke design while the Svartpilen uses an eight spoke wheel.
Also Read: BS6 KTM 250 Duke vs BS4 250 Duke: Differences Explained
Different treads patterns and their objectives:
The road-focussed Vitpilen 250 gets MRF Revz FC 1 tyres for better grip around corners while the Svartpilen 250 scrambler gets dual-purpose MRF Revz FD tyres which dig into loose soil better to offer better off-road grip.
from ZigWheels
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